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Paying for tennis lessons with her pussy


Karter Foxx


Pablo Reino title=
Uploaded by Pablo Reino

This girl loves tennis and takes lessons every week. She doesn't miss any lessons and enjoys watching her own progress. When it comes to paying for the lesson, the girl realizes that she has forgotten her money. The instructor is very upset about the lack of money and after making her feel bad, the boy offers her to play strip tennis, that is, for every point she loses she takes off some clothes, and if the boy wins the match she gives him a blow job. If she wins she doesn't owe him any money. The girl is not quite sure, but the instructor presses her to accept. Of course, the instructor wins, and gets the completely naked girl to give him a blow job. The girl starts off shy at first, sucking her dick and licking her balls. After a while she's horny and they go to another place where the instructor fucks her hard until he ejaculates on her abdomen
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