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Teenage Latina gives 4 blowjobs, gets fucked hard and covered in cum


Pablo Reino title=
Uploaded by Pablo Reino

This beautiful latina goes in the car with the guy and gives him a blow job. The guy pushes the girl's head down into a deep throat and she tries hard to do a good job choking on his hard cock. Back at the hotel, the girl gets undressed and the guy jerks her off with a vibrator and then sticks it in her pussy and then she fucks his pussy with the dildo. She gives the boy another blow job with a deep throat and then the boy fucks her hard on the bed in different positions until she gives him another blow job and the boy ejaculates on her face. Did we say blow jobs? When the scene is over she sucks the guy's dick (fourth blowjob in this video) and tells a nice story as a bonus track
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