Young amateur from India fucked by a very big cock


Pablo Reino title=
Uploaded by Pablo Reino

He's extremely thin, but he's got a huge cock. The girl delights in masturbating the big cock. The movements of the girl's hand give her a lot of pleasure. He pinches her nipples and asks her to suck his cock and she is not very convinced, but looks at the big cock defiant before her and sucks it for a while. She sleeps with her legs open and he puts his cock in her pussy and she groans deeply to feel the cock so inside the pussy. The man puts the girl's legs on his shoulders and penetrates her completely inserting and pulling the cock out of the pussy very fast. Then she changes position and he keeps penetrating her energetically while she moans sensually until he puts his cock to the bottom of her pussy and ejaculates inside. She hugs him and takes advantage to rest a little. Then she sits with her legs open and shows the semen coming out of the pussy.
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